Embedded HTML breaks SearXNG architecture. To modularize, HTML is generated in
the templates (oscar & simple) and result parameter 'embedded' is replaced by
'data_src' (and 'audio_src'), an URL for embedded content (<iframe>).
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
* outgoing.networks:
* can contains network definition
* propertiers: enable_http, verify, http2, max_connections, max_keepalive_connections,
keepalive_expiry, local_addresses, support_ipv4, support_ipv6, proxies, max_redirects, retries
* retries: 0 by default, number of times searx retries to send the HTTP request (using different IP & proxy each time)
* local_addresses can be "" (it supports IPv6)
* support_ipv4 & support_ipv6: both True by default
see https://github.com/searx/searx/pull/1034
* each engine can define a "network" section:
* either a full network description
* either reference an existing network
* all HTTP requests of engine use the same HTTP configuration (it was not the case before, see proxy configuration in master)
The get_cliend_id() function:
* fetches https://soundcloud.com
* then fetches each referenced javascript URL to get the client id.
This commit fetches the javascript URLs in the reverse order: the client id is in the last javascript URL.
from searx.engines.duckduckgo import _fetch_supported_languages, supported_languages_url # NOQA
so it is possible to easily remove all unused import using autoflake:
autoflake --in-place --recursive --remove-all-unused-imports searx tests
New "embedded" item for the results, allow to give an iframe to display the media directly in the results.
Note that the attributes src of the iframes are not set, but instead data-src is set, allowing to only load the iframe when clicked.
Deezer engine based on public API (no key).