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synced 2025-02-19 20:00:02 +00:00
js_variable_to_python: add tests, handle more JS syntax
The tests from chompjs are copied. The comment out tests do not pass. The implementation of js_variable_to_python has been updated: * in the main looop, try to make the four different cases more clear * handle decimal number like "-.5", "5." or "- 5" (without double quote) * the character ` is seen a string delimiter as intended in JS * the identifiers follow JS specification ($, _, letters and numbers)
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,3 +21,4 @@ aiounittest==1.4.2
@ -38,9 +38,14 @@ _BLOCKED_TAGS = ('script', 'style')
_ECMA_UNESCAPE4_RE = re.compile(r'%u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})', re.UNICODE)
_ECMA_UNESCAPE2_RE = re.compile(r'%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})', re.UNICODE)
_JS_QUOTE_KEYS_RE = re.compile(r'([\{\s,])(\w+)(:)')
_JS_VOID_RE = re.compile(r'void\s+[0-9]+|void\s*\([0-9]+\)')
_JS_DECIMAL_RE = re.compile(r":\s*\.")
_JS_STRING_DELIMITERS = re.compile(r'(["\'`])')
_JS_QUOTE_KEYS_RE = re.compile(r'([\{\s,])([\$_\w][\$_\w0-9]*)(:)')
_JS_VOID_OR_UNDEFINED_RE = re.compile(r'void\s+[0-9]+|void\s*\([0-9]+\)|undefined')
_JS_DECIMAL_RE = re.compile(r"([\[\,:])\s*(\-?)\s*([0-9_]*)\.([0-9_]*)")
_JS_DECIMAL2_RE = re.compile(r"([\[\,:])\s*(\-?)\s*([0-9_]+)")
_JS_EXTRA_COMA_RE = re.compile(r"\s*,\s*([\]\}])")
_JS_STRING_ESCAPE_RE = re.compile(r'\\(.)')
_STORAGE_UNIT_VALUE: Dict[str, int] = {
'TB': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
@ -652,12 +657,45 @@ def detect_language(text: str, threshold: float = 0.3, only_search_languages: bo
return None
def _j2p_process_escape(match):
# deal with ECMA escape characters
escape = match.group(1) or match.group(2)
return (
else R'\u00'
if escape == 'x'
else ''
if escape == '\n'
else escape
def _j2p_decimal(match):
return (
+ match.group(2)
+ (match.group(3).replace("_", "") or "0")
+ "."
+ (match.group(4).replace("_", "") or "0")
def _j2p_decimal2(match):
return match.group(1) + match.group(2) + match.group(3).replace("_", "")
def js_variable_to_python(js_variable):
"""Convert a javascript variable into JSON and then load the value
It does not deal with all cases, but it is good enough for now.
chompjs has a better implementation.
if not isinstance(js_variable, str):
raise ValueError("js_variable must be of type str")
if js_variable == "":
raise ValueError("js_variable can't be an empty string")
# when in_string is not None, it contains the character that has opened the string
# either simple quote or double quote
in_string = None
@ -665,49 +703,68 @@ def js_variable_to_python(js_variable):
# r"""{ a:"f\"irst", c:'sec"ond'}"""
# becomes
# ['{ a:', '"', 'f\\', '"', 'irst', '"', ', c:', "'", 'sec', '"', 'ond', "'", '}']
parts = re.split(r'(["\'])', js_variable)
# previous part (to check the escape character antislash)
previous_p = ""
parts = _JS_STRING_DELIMITERS.split(js_variable)
# does the previous part ends with a backslash?
blackslash_just_before = False
for i, p in enumerate(parts):
# parse characters inside a ECMA string
if in_string:
# we are in a JS string: replace the colon by a temporary character
# so quote_keys_regex doesn't have to deal with colon inside the JS strings
parts[i] = parts[i].replace(':', chr(1))
if in_string == "'":
# the JS string is delimited by simple quote.
# This is not supported by JSON.
# simple quote delimited string are converted to double quote delimited string
# here, inside a JS string, we escape the double quote
parts[i] = parts[i].replace('"', r'\"')
# deal with delimieters and escape character
if not in_string and p in ('"', "'"):
# we are not in string
# but p is double or simple quote
# that's the start of a new string
# replace simple quote by double quote
# (JSON doesn't support simple quote)
parts[i] = '"'
in_string = p
if p == in_string:
# we are in a string and the current part MAY close the string
if len(previous_p) > 0 and previous_p[-1] == '\\':
# there is an antislash just before: the ECMA string continue
# the current p close the string
# replace simple quote by double quote
parts[i] = '"'
if p == in_string and not blackslash_just_before:
# * the current part matches the character which has opened the string
# * there is no antislash just before
# --> the current part close the current string
in_string = None
# replace simple quote and ` by double quote
# since JSON supports only double quote for string
parts[i] = '"'
if not in_string:
# replace void 0 by null
elif in_string:
# --> we are in a JS string
# replace the colon by a temporary character
# so _JS_QUOTE_KEYS_RE doesn't have to deal with colon inside the JS strings
p = p.replace(':', chr(1))
# replace JS escape sequences by JSON escape sequences
p = _JS_STRING_ESCAPE_RE.sub(_j2p_process_escape, p)
# the JS string is delimited by simple quote.
# This is not supported by JSON.
# simple quote delimited string are converted to double quote delimited string
# here, inside a JS string, we escape the double quote
if in_string == "'":
p = p.replace('"', r'\"')
parts[i] = p
# deal with the sequence blackslash then quote
# since js_variable splits on quote, we detect this case:
# * the previous part ends with a black slash
# * the current part is a single quote
# when detected the blackslash is removed on the previous part
if blackslash_just_before and p[:1] == "'":
parts[i - 1] = parts[i - 1][:-1]
elif in_string is None and p in ('"', "'", "`"):
# we are not in string but p is string delimiter
# --> that's the start of a new string
in_string = p
# replace simple quote by double quote
# since JSON supports only double quote for string
parts[i] = '"'
elif in_string is None:
# we are not in a string
# replace by null these values:
# * void 0
# * void(0)
# * undefined
# https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/void
# we are sure there is no string in p
parts[i] = _JS_VOID_RE.sub("null", p)
# update previous_p
previous_p = p
p = _JS_VOID_OR_UNDEFINED_RE.sub("null", p)
# make sure there is a leading zero in front of float
p = _JS_DECIMAL_RE.sub(_j2p_decimal, p)
p = _JS_DECIMAL2_RE.sub(_j2p_decimal2, p)
# remove extra coma in a list or an object
# for example [1,2,3,] becomes [1,2,3]
p = _JS_EXTRA_COMA_RE.sub(lambda match: match.group(1), p)
parts[i] = p
# update for the next iteration
blackslash_just_before = len(p) > 0 and p[-1] == '\\'
# join the string
s = ''.join(parts)
# add quote arround the key
@ -715,8 +772,13 @@ def js_variable_to_python(js_variable):
# becomes
# { "a": 12 }
s = _JS_QUOTE_KEYS_RE.sub(r'\1"\2"\3', s)
s = _JS_DECIMAL_RE.sub(":0.", s)
# replace the surogate character by colon
s = s.replace(chr(1), ':')
# replace the surogate character by colon and strip whitespaces
s = s.replace(chr(1), ':').strip()
# load the JSON and return the result
return json.loads(s)
if s == "":
raise ValueError("js_variable can't be an empty string")
return json.loads(s)
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
logger.debug("Internal error: js_variable_to_python creates invalid JSON:\n%s", s)
raise ValueError("js_variable_to_python creates invalid JSON") from e
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests for the function searx.utils.js_variable_to_python
The tests are copied from https://github.com/Nykakin/chompjs/blob/c1501b5cd82c0044539875331745b820e7bfd067/chompjs/test_parser.py
Comment out tests do not pass
import math
from parameterized import parameterized
from searx.utils import js_variable_to_python
from tests import SearxTestCase
class TestParser(SearxTestCase):
("{'hello': 'world'}", {'hello': 'world'}),
("{'hello': 'world', 'my': 'master'}", {'hello': 'world', 'my': 'master'}),
"{'hello': 'world', 'my': {'master': 'of Orion'}, 'test': 'xx'}",
{'hello': 'world', 'my': {'master': 'of Orion'}, 'test': 'xx'},
("{}", {}),
def test_parse_object(self, js, expected_py):
py = js_variable_to_python(js)
self.assertEqual(py, expected_py)
("[]", []),
("[[[]]]", [[[]]]),
("[[[1]]]", [[[1]]]),
("[1]", [1]),
("[1, 2, 3, 4]", [1, 2, 3, 4]),
("['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']", ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']),
("[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[1]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]", [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[1]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]),
def test_parse_list(self, js, expected_py):
py = js_variable_to_python(js)
self.assertEqual(py, expected_py)
("{'hello': [], 'world': [0]}", {'hello': [], 'world': [0]}),
("{'hello': [1, 2, 3, 4]}", {'hello': [1, 2, 3, 4]}),
("[{'a':12}, {'b':33}]", [{'a': 12}, {'b': 33}]),
"[false, {'true': true, `pies`: \"kot\"}, false,]",
[False, {"true": True, 'pies': 'kot'}, False],
{k: 1 for k in 'abcdefghij'},
{'a': [{'b': 1}, {'c': [{'d': {'f': {'g': [1, 2]}}}, {'e': 1}]}]},
def test_parse_mixed(self, js, expected_py):
py = js_variable_to_python(js)
self.assertEqual(py, expected_py)
("{'hello': 12, 'world': 10002.21}", {'hello': 12, 'world': 10002.21}),
("[12, -323, 0.32, -32.22, .2, - 4]", [12, -323, 0.32, -32.22, 0.2, -4]),
('{"a": -12, "b": - 5}', {'a': -12, 'b': -5}),
("{'a': true, 'b': false, 'c': null}", {'a': True, 'b': False, 'c': None}),
("[\"\\uD834\\uDD1E\"]", ['𝄞']),
("{'a': '123\\'456\\n'}", {'a': "123'456\n"}),
("['\u00E9']", ['é']),
('{"cache":{"\u002Ftest\u002F": 0}}', {'cache': {'/test/': 0}}),
('{"a": 3.125e7}', {'a': 3.125e7}),
('''{"a": "b\\'"}''', {'a': "b'"}),
('{"a": .99, "b": -.1}', {"a": 0.99, "b": -0.1}),
('["/* ... */", "// ..."]', ["/* ... */", "// ..."]),
('{"inclusions":["/*","/"]}', {'inclusions': ['/*', '/']}),
def test_parse_standard_values(self, js, expected_py):
py = js_variable_to_python(js)
self.assertEqual(py, expected_py)
def test_parse_nan(self):
js = '{"A": NaN}'
py = js_variable_to_python(js)
("{abc: 100, dev: 200}", {'abc': 100, 'dev': 200}),
("{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz: 12}", {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz": 12}),
# (
# "{age: function(yearBorn,thisYear) {return thisYear - yearBorn;}}",
# {"age": "function(yearBorn,thisYear) {return thisYear - yearBorn;}"}
# ),
# (
# "{\"abc\": function() {return '])))))))))))))))';}}",
# {"abc": "function() {return '])))))))))))))))';}"},
# ),
('{"a": undefined}', {"a": None}), # chompjs returns {"a": "undefined"}
('[undefined, undefined]', [None, None]), # chompjs returns ["undefined", "undefined"]
("{_a: 1, $b: 2}", {"_a": 1, "$b": 2}),
# ("{regex: /a[^d]{1,12}/i}", {'regex': '/a[^d]{1,12}/i'}),
# ("{'a': function(){return '\"'}}", {'a': 'function(){return \'"\'}'}),
("{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}", {'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4}),
("{'a': 121.}", {'a': 121.0}),
def test_parse_strange_values(self, js, expected_py):
py = js_variable_to_python(js)
self.assertEqual(py, expected_py)
# ('{"a": {"b": [12, 13, 14]}}text text', {"a": {"b": [12, 13, 14]}}),
# ('var test = {"a": {"b": [12, 13, 14]}}', {"a": {"b": [12, 13, 14]}}),
('{"a":\r\n10}', {'a': 10}),
("{'foo': 0,\r\n}", {'foo': 0}),
("{truefalse: 0, falsefalse: 1, nullnull: 2}", {'truefalse': 0, 'falsefalse': 1, 'nullnull': 2}),
def test_strange_input(self, js, expected_py):
py = js_variable_to_python(js)
self.assertEqual(py, expected_py)
("[0]", [0]),
("[1]", [1]),
("[12]", [12]),
("[12_12]", [1212]),
# ("[0x12]", [18]),
# ("[0xab]", [171]),
# ("[0xAB]", [171]),
# ("[0X12]", [18]),
# ("[0Xab]", [171]),
# ("[0XAB]", [171]),
# ("[01234]", [668]),
# ("[0o1234]", [668]),
# ("[0O1234]", [668]),
# ("[0b1111]", [15]),
# ("[0B1111]", [15]),
("[-0]", [-0]),
("[-1]", [-1]),
("[-12]", [-12]),
("[-12_12]", [-1212]),
# ("[-0x12]", [-18]),
# ("[-0xab]", [-171]),
# ("[-0xAB]", [-171]),
# ("[-0X12]", [-18]),
# ("[-0Xab]", [-171]),
# ("[-0XAB]", [-171]),
# ("[-01234]", [-668]),
# ("[-0o1234]", [-668]),
# ("[-0O1234]", [-668]),
# ("[-0b1111]", [-15]),
# ("[-0B1111]", [-15]),
def test_integer_numeric_values(self, js, expected_py):
py = js_variable_to_python(js)
self.assertEqual(py, expected_py)
("[0.32]", [0.32]),
("[-0.32]", [-0.32]),
("[.32]", [0.32]),
("[-.32]", [-0.32]),
("[12.]", [12.0]),
("[-12.]", [-12.0]),
("[12.32]", [12.32]),
("[-12.12]", [-12.12]),
("[3.1415926]", [3.1415926]),
("[.123456789]", [0.123456789]),
("[.0123]", [0.0123]),
("[0.0123]", [0.0123]),
("[-.0123]", [-0.0123]),
("[-0.0123]", [-0.0123]),
("[3.1E+12]", [3.1e12]),
("[3.1e+12]", [3.1e12]),
("[.1e-23]", [0.1e-23]),
("[.1e-23]", [0.1e-23]),
def test_float_numeric_values(self, js, expected_py):
py = js_variable_to_python(js)
self.assertEqual(py, expected_py)
# @parameterized.expand([
# ('["Test\\nDrive"]\n{"Test": "Drive"}', [['Test\nDrive'], {'Test': 'Drive'}]),
# ])
# def test_jsonlines(self, js, expected_py):
# py = js_variable_to_python(js)
# self.assertEqual(py, expected_py)
class TestParserExceptions(SearxTestCase):
('}{', ValueError),
('', ValueError),
(None, ValueError),
def test_exceptions(self, js, expected_exception):
with self.assertRaises(expected_exception):
("{whose: 's's', category_name: '>'}", ValueError),
def test_malformed_input(self, in_data, expected_exception):
with self.assertRaises(expected_exception):
'{"test": """}',
'js_variable_to_python creates invalid JSON',
def test_error_messages(self, js, expected_exception, expected_exception_text):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(expected_exception, expected_exception_text):
# class TestOptions(SearxTestCase):
# @parameterized.expand(
# [
# ('{\\\"a\\\": 12}', {'a': 12}),
# ]
# )
# def test_unicode_escape(self, js, expected_py):
# py = js_variable_to_python(js)
# self.assertEqual(py, expected_py)
class TestParseJsonObjects(SearxTestCase):
# ("", []),
# ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", []),
# (" ", []),
(" {'a': 12}", [{'a': 12}]),
# ("[1, 2, 3, 4]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", [[1, 2, 3, 4]]),
# ("[12] [13] [14]", [[12], [13], [14]]),
# ("[10] {'a': [1, 1, 1,]}", [[10], {'a': [1, 1, 1]}]),
# ("[1][1][1]", [[1], [1], [1]]),
# ("[1] [2] {'a': ", [[1], [2]]),
# ("[]", [[]]),
# ("[][][][]", [[], [], [], []]),
("{}", [{}]),
# ("{}{}{}{}", [{}, {}, {}, {}]),
# ("{{}}{{}}", []),
# ("[[]][[]]", [[[]], [[]]]),
# ("{am: 'ab'}\n{'ab': 'xx'}", [{'am': 'ab'}, {'ab': 'xx'}]),
# (
# 'function(a, b, c){ /* ... */ }({"a": 12}, Null, [1, 2, 3])',
# [{}, {'a': 12}, [1, 2, 3]],
# ),
# ('{"a": 12, broken}{"c": 100}', [{'c': 100}]),
# ('[12,,,,21][211,,,][12,12][12,,,21]', [[12, 12]]),
def test_parse_json_objects(self, js, expected_py):
py_in_list = [js_variable_to_python(js)]
self.assertEqual(py_in_list, expected_py)
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